


View and update your account details

The update account details page allows you to view and update your Voyzu account details. Your account name is displayed on the Account button on the top right of the screen. If you do not have OWNER permissions then you will not be able to modify any account details. To see account owners navigate to Users > Manage users.

Downgrading your subscription

If you are a Voyzu paying subscriber you have the option to downgrade your account at any time. Clicking the "Downgrade subscription" button will take you to a pre-filled form on the voyzu website. Voyzu will then downgrade your subscription and notify you. If you are using the Free plan, then the Downgrade subscription button will be disabled.

Cancelling your account

You have the option to cancel your account at any time. Clicking the "Cancel account" button will take you to a pre-filled form on the voyzu website. Voyzu will then cancel your account and notify you. Note that Voyzu has a free plan, so you may not need to cancel your account as you can simply downgrade your account instead.